The 2006 UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) recognizes the right to work on an equal basis with others and to be able to freely choose between employment opportunities to gain a living, receiving equal remuneration for work of equal value, and to have safe and inclusive work conditions. In 2015, the UN Sustainable Development Goals also recognize that promoting sustainable economic growth requires productive employment and decent work for all, including for persons with disabilities.
However, as a recent study from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) demonstrates, persons with disabilities still experience both significant labour market disadvantages, as well as, worse labour market outcomes then persons without disabilities. An under-representation of people with disabilities in the workforce can cause relevant social problems for countries as it increases:
However, as a recent study from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) demonstrates, persons with disabilities still experience both significant labour market disadvantages, as well as, worse labour market outcomes then persons without disabilities. An under-representation of people with disabilities in the workforce can cause relevant social problems for countries as it increases:
- the cost of paying disability benefits;
- the economic costs of having vast numbers of inactive human resources, and
- the costs of poverty alleviation policies.
In order to address this issue, the World Report on Disability, produced by the WHO and the World Bank, makes useful recommendations for Governments including the review of existing accessibility laws and policies for consistency with the CRPD. It also invites the private sector to facilitate the employment of persons with disabilities and ensure that information and communication technology products, systems and services are fully accessible to persons with disabilities.
Accessibility Laws: Case Studies
EU: European Accessibility Act
The EU and most of the Member States have ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and committed to create accessibility laws in line with Article 9 of the Convention.In an attempt to harmonize divergent legislation on accessible products and services in the different member states, the European Accessibility Act has been passed. It provides a relevant framework to help people with disabilities to fully participate in society on an equal basis, thus facilitating the access of these people to the labour market.
Brazil: a National law for inclusion of Persons with Disabilities
Brazil’s Constitution recognizes the right to full citizenship for persons with disabilities, assured through the comprehensive accessibility laws framework, a national human rights program, and a nation plan for the inclusion of persons with disabilities.In 2015 Brazil passed a law for the inclusion of persons with disabilities (The Disabled Person Act) establishing a set of prescriptions on inclusion dimensions related with all fundamental rights. It is particularly relevant for concerns relating to: accessibility to products and services that remove barriers to participation in active life by disabled persons, and includes a focus on technologies that facilitate accessibility.
What Pedius does about it…
In Pedius we aim to support companies interested in complying or anticipating accessibility laws by offering solutions for effective work integration of persons with disabilities in inclusive environments. If you want to know more on how Pedius can promote an inclusive work environment read here.
The integration of people with disabilities in the work environment needs to be perceived as a fundamental part of Sustainable Development, as per UN recommendations. The promotion of Accessibility laws is an effective tool that governments can use to promote an inclusive work environment, going from the broad principles of disability policies to concrete stimuli to integration of disabled human resources.

Elsa Lourenço
Mother of two, passioned about arts, and a PJ lover. She's a proud ambassador of GenX inside Pedius since 2017, where she is responsible for growing business in Brazil.