With Pedius accessibility begins at the call center! Finally, also your company’s Deaf clients will have the possibility to contact customer service by phone.

Personalized Service

Pedius adapts to the menu of the company’s IVR and directs the call to the specialized information center. Useful information is requested by the user before beginning the call.
We organize your 
services for users
We request useful
company data from users
We put your company
information into the app

Pedius Facilitates Accessibility

No adjustment costs
Conversations in real-time
Service Personalization
In-App there is a list of partner services reachable by phone for Pedius users. Each service is customized according to the needs of the company AND does not require any changes to existing infrastructure: operators will answer calls normally and conversations with users will be in real-time.

Gli strumenti per l’integrazione aziendale

Call Center Accessibile

Con Pedius l’accessibilità parte dal call center! Finalmente anche le persone sorde clienti della tua azienda avranno la possibilità di contattare telefonicamente il tuo servizio di assistenza clienti.